52词语>英语词典>break open翻译和用法

break open

英 [breɪk ˈəʊpən]

美 [breɪk ˈoʊpən]




  • erupt or intensify suddenly
    1. Unrest erupted in the country
    2. Tempers flared at the meeting
    3. The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism
    Synonym:eruptirruptflare upflareburst out
  • come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure
    1. The bubble burst
  • open with force
    1. He broke open the picnic basket


  • Don't break open the HTML and CSS, don't worry about whether images are stored as JPGs or GIFs, just crack open the site.
  • Looking to the future," Yilisheng "will remain a pragmatic spirit, break open mind to meet you soon." Cooperation, win-win, happy!" Will always be the struggle, Yilisheng target!
  • When much wrath accumulates, the peace of nature is disturbed, so the heaven break open and waters flood the land.
  • It opened wide with a rapid movement, as though some one had given it an energetic and resolute push. break open any outer or inner door of any place which he is empowered or authorized by or under this Ordinance to enter and search;
  • If an army of a hundred thousand is encamped beneath the city walls, the reinforcement must break open the siege, and the city's defenders must go out to attack.
  • A junk might break open the car here.
  • It was observed that a few vesicles containing lamellar osmiophilic material situated closely along the plasmalemma, seemed to break open. Based above facts we think of that the shore-term prediction difficulty may be able to break open by monitoring the OLR message of satellite remote sensing.
  • Other animals, like the elephant, can use their strength to break open certain trees to get the water inside of them.
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel said governments must do what is necessary: break open labor markets, give more people a chance to work, and become more flexible in many areas.
  • Send not for a hatchet with which to break open an egg. "and they put everything in the town to the curse; men and women, young and old, ox and sheep and ass, they put to death without mercy."